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How To Keep Ticks Off of Your Dog

Posted by: Cooper Pest

When the weather warms up in the summer months, nothing’s better than taking your dog out on an adventure. Whether you head to the dog park, go for a hike, or camp in the wilderness, all of these expeditions have one common danger: the possibility of getting bit by a tick. 

While ticks may seem like tiny annoyances, they can cause major health issues for your pets. These pests are external parasites that need a host to survive, and they attach to animals by burying their long, barbed feeding tubes into their host’s skin. As the tick feeds on blood, it can infect you or your dog with a variety of different viruses, the most common being Lyme Disease.

Types of Ticks in New Jersey

The most familiar ticks in New Jersey are the Black-legged tick, also known as a deer tick, the Lonestar tick, and the American dog tick, sometimes referred to as the wood tick. Ticks like to hide in tall grass or weeds, low-lying shrubs and ground cover. When your pet goes outdoors and brushes against the grass or weeds the ticks can transfer to your pet. 

Preventing Ticks at Home

The best way to protect your pets from ticks is with prevention. With the right precautions, you can reduce your furry friend’s odds of sustaining an itchy bite or contracting a disease. Below are a few ways that you can keep ticks off your dog this summer:

  • Discussing a tick-repellant treatment plan with your veterinarian.
  • When going on an outdoor adventure, have your dog wear an outdoor vest.
  • Bathe your dog when you get home from doing any kind of outdoor activity.
  • Thoroughly check your pets for ticks each day, especially on the belly or legs. 
  • Keep your yard free from tall grass, garden debris, and weeds. 
  • If possible, stay on neat and well-maintained trails. 

When to Call a Veterinarian

Your veterinarian is an excellent resource for tick-fighting tips. They know about products and treatments, such as collars or shots, that can deter ticks long-term. Even if you don’t have an active tick problem, it’s always a good idea to discuss options with your veterinarian.

When to Call An Exterminator

If you keep noticing ticks on your pet after coming indoors from your own backyard, it’s definitely time to call an exterminator. At Cooper Pest Solutions, we believe that prevention is the best way to protect your pets. We create effective tick control solutions with a 100% satisfaction guarantee while striving to be environmentally conscious about our treatment plans. Contact Cooper Pest Solutions today for a free, no-obligation estimate on our services today!





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