How Do You Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs in PA and NJ
A bug that isn’t traditionally talked about or very well known throughout PA and NJ is the boxelder bug. You can get rid of these pests with extermination, exclusion, and prevention methods. But trying to control the infestation on your own may result in complications and the worsening of pest activity.
If you kill boxelder bugs within the wall voids on your own, the scent of their decaying bodies can attract beetles and increase insect populations within the structure. Boxelder bugs also leave a reddish-orange stain from their disposal of feces when they are squished, which can leave marks on your carpet, clothing, and other fabric items.
They can be especially difficult to control once they enter the structure, making professional pest control necessary. Once they have infested a structure, professional pest control services are the best solution to complete boxelder bug control.
What Are Boxelder Bugs?
Boxelder bugs spend their time thriving in nature during the warmer months. Once the weather becomes cold, they migrate in very large groups to find shelter in hopes of survival. If man-made structures are nearby, they will enter through cracks and crevices to hide within wall voids for the winter.

Are Boxelder Bugs Harmful?
While it doesn’t pose a threat to your home or health, they can be a real nuisance, such as an overwintering pest. And although it's not common, they may bite if provoked. Since they feed on plant fluid, there can be a yellowing effect from highly infested areas. They have also been known to feed on certain types of flowers, and won’t hesitate to feed on your garden or landscape.
What Do Boxelder Bugs Look Like?
Boxelder bugs live in boxelder trees (hence the name) during the spring and summer – so you might see them feeding off of the leaves, flowers, and seeds.
Look out for these characteristics:
- About ½ inch long with six legs
- Black in color with red and orange markings on their abdomen
- Wings lay flat across the back and overlap
How Can I Prevent Boxelder Bugs?
The best method of control is prevention. To effectively prevent bugs that overwinter, make sure you seal up any cracks in your home, especially around windows, vents, and doors.
They are considered to be an “overwintering” pest, which means they enter your home to escape winters. Although they don’t reproduce when in this state, they can enter your home and become a nuisance in your home.
How Do I Treat Boxelder Bugs?
When dealing with overwintering pests, the best time to do treatments is when those bugs start to enter your home. Using pesticides to kill these bugs is not advisable since other bugs might start to feed off their dead bodies. Use a vacuum to suck up any bugs, as this will prevent them from attracting other bugs.
At Cooper Pest Solutions, we offer a variety of different services to ensure your home stays bug-free all year, as well as a preventative over-wintering service. To learn more, please give us a call or fill out our web form.
How Does Cooper Pest Solutions Exterminate Boxelder Bugs?
When dealing with overwintering pests, the best time to do treatments is before they come. We suggest that this service begins in the late summer before they enter.
Cooper Pest Solutions provides a comprehensive overwintering service that controls not only boxelder bugs, but also other overwintering pests such as stink bugs, ladybugs, and cluster flies.
We also provide an eco-friendly option for boxelder bug control. All products used by Cooper Pest Solutions are EPA-registered for pest control use. Our highly trained pest control professionals will follow all appropriate label requirements in an effort to keep pets and humans safe.
How Soon Can You Get Your PA and NJ Exterminators Here?
At Cooper Pest Solutions, our goal is to provide same-day or next-day service to meet the needs of our clients. We understand that pest infestations such as boxelder bugs can be an emotional and challenging situation to approach. That's why our highly trained technicians are here to provide you with quality service as soon as possible.
Call us at 1-800-949-2667 or fill out a contact form for more information and to schedule service.