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Minimize Pest Problems this Summer at Your Home

Posted by: Cooper Pest

To minimize pest problems this summer, below are some recommended tips for mosquito reduction, preventing stinging insects such as wasps and hornets, and also to reduce the likelihood of ticks becoming a problem. 

Make your summer more fun by uninviting these pests to your home!


  • Eliminate areas of standing water around the home, such as flowerpots, birdbaths, and baby pools. Mosquitoes only need about ½ inch of water to breed
  • Throw away or store any containers that can accumulate water. Flip them upside down when not in use.
  • Clean gutters frequently. Debris can clog and prevent water flow, causing gutters to fill up with standing water.
  • Screen all windows and doors, repairing even the smallest holes that could serve as entry points for pests
  • Minimize outside activity between dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active and wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and closed-toe shoes to protect the skin



The CDC has evaluated information published in peer-reviewed scientific literature and data available from EPA to identify several types of EPA-registered products that provide repellent activity sufficient to help people reduce the bites of disease-carrying mosquitoes. Products containing the following active ingredients typically provide reasonably long-lasting protection:

  • DEET: Products containing DEET include, but are not limited to, Off!, Cutter, Sawyer, and Ultrathon.
  • Picaridin: Products containing picaridin include, but are not limited to, Cutter Advanced, Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus, and Autan (outside the United States).
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or PMD: Products containing OLE and PMD include, but are not limited to, Repel and Off! Botanicals. This recommendation refers to EPA-registered repellent products containing the active ingredient OLE (or PMD). “Pure” oil of lemon eucalyptus (essential oil not formulated as a repellent) is not recommended; it has not undergone similar, validated testing for safety and efficacy, is not registered with EPA as an insect repellent, and is not covered by this recommendation.
  • IR3535 Products containing IR3535 include, but are not limited to, Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Expedition and SkinSmart.


  • When eating outdoors, try to keep food covered at all times
  • Cover all outdoor garbage cans with tight-fitting lids
  • Paint or stain untreated wood to discourage wasps looking for wood to chew to make their paper nests
  • Ensure that all doors and windows have screens that are in good condition Avoid sweet-smelling perfumes, hair sprays, colognes, and deodorants
  • Wear shoes, especially in grassy areas
  • Avoid wearing bright colored clothing

Cooper’s One-Time Wasp Nest Removal treats existing hornet, yellow jacket, paper wasp, and mud wasp nests at your home. A technician will visit your home in preventative gear to treat the nest to eliminate stinging insect activity.

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Schedule service online today for fast technician dispatch. No inspection is needed.


Since Ticks are known to transmit diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Tularemia, following are some tips to reduce ticks this summer around your home.

  • Keep grass cut short. Ticks are more likely to be found in taller grasses where they wait to attach to a person or animal.
  • Remove leaf litter and brush from around your home.
  • Prune low-lying bushes to let in allow more air and sunlight to penetrate. The more dense the vegetation the more likely it will be to rodents and other small mammals that attract ticks.
  • Keep wood piles and bird feeders off the ground and away from your home. This will also make your yard less attractive to mice and other small rodents that can carry ticks.

 If you have a seasonal pest problem, we are here to help. Please give us a call at 1-800-949-2667 or fill out the form on our website

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