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The Daily Dangers of Rodent Infestations

Posted by: Cooper Pest

A small mouse on a kitchen countertop near a dish rack, highlighting the risk of rodent infestations in homes. Protect your home with professional pest solutions from Cooper Pest Control.

While some rodents have been domesticated into pets, and you may think that means all of them are not so dangerous, this is far from the truth. No matter how cute they look, wild rats and mice are extremely hazardous, and typically frustrating to remove on top of that. The CDC has reported that wild rodents transmit up to 35 bacterial, parasitic, and viral diseases. 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. Here are the top three reasons you need to recruit pest removal as soon as you notice a rodent problem.

Plague Persistence 

As previously mentioned, rats are responsible for carrying many diseases. Many of these are extremely specific and potentially severe, not typical illnesses that our bodies can safely protect against. This long list of viruses includes bacterial diseases as dangerous as the plague. Yes, that same plague from 1900, which was originally spread by rats to begin with. Other recognizable diseases include lyme disease and salmonella. 

These diseases are transmitted in many ways. Of course, there are the obvious ways, typically direct contact with a rodent, especially if it bites. However, these diseases can also be spread through droppings, urine, and even ticks or fleas that the rodents bring along with them. It’s extremely dangerous to allow a rodent to stay in your home, even if it doesn’t directly go up to you. 

House Fires

This might not be something you were expecting, but it is in fact estimated that rats and mice cause up to 25% of home fires. They love to get into walls and chew through insulation and wires. If this goes on for too long, they’re likely to get their paws on an electrical wire, which can spark and start flames within your home. If you suspect that a rodent may be treating your home as its midnight snack, contact us immediately to ensure your property stays safe. 

Drop in Air Quality

It’s no secret that those same rats dragging pizza down the subway stations aren’t the cleanest creatures out there. Once they get into your home or building, they might find their way into the ventilation system. This easily spreads their dust and debris throughout the air, tainting every room with their bacteria and flaring up lung conditions such as asthma. 

Contact Cooper Pest Solutions

Seeing just one mouse or rodent is typically a sign that there’s more hidden away. Whether they have an entry point to your house from outside, or they have a secret hideaway within your home, they rarely travel alone. Setting up some traps on your own might appear to treat the issue, but if you truly want to ensure that your space is safe, you should employ Cooper Pest Solutions’ services. 

With our proficient assistance, you’ll receive:

  • A detailed inspection of the area
  • Professional rodent bait stations and traps
  • Safeguard measures to prevent future issues
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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