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Let’s face it. Pests can be a problem for businesses, and retail facilities are no exception. A single rodent, squirrel, bird, or insect infestation...

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As fall comes to a close and the holidays are right around the corner, you might think that you’re safe from the bugs that invaded your house during...

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  1. Out with the old, in with the new- Are there broken or old and warped attic, dryer or gable vents on the exterior of your home? Now is the time to...
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Insects, rodents, squirrels, flying squirrels, bats, and birds are all pests that breed, nest, and destroy gutters on homes. Gutters are high up and...

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Although mice are abundant in residential homes throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, they are also one of the most elusive. Mice are nocturnal and...

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The most common mice that you can encounter in your New Jersey or Pennsylvania home are Mus musculus and Peromyscus leucopus. If you have seen a...

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Are you hearing scratching around your home at night time? Do you suspect you have mice in your home but aren’t sure? Signs of mice activity can be...

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Rats and mice are hard to tell apart. They’re both a part of the rodent family, have similar appearances, and can cause extensive damage if they get...

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The season is changing and as the weather becomes colder, not only are we moving indoors for more activities but pests and rodents are doing the...
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There is nothing in steel wool that repels mice. However, it will keep them from getting into cracks and crevices in your home. It is an easy...

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