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Why Are Cockroaches So Hard to Kill?

Posted by: Cooper Pest

If you’ve ever encountered a cockroach, you know how frustrating and exhausting an infestation can be. Seemingly indestructible, cockroaches are one of the most dreaded pests among homeowners and commercial property owners. Once cockroaches claim your home as theirs, it’s an uphill battle to tackle. But what makes them so much more challenging than other common pests? Let’s get down to the bottom of this commonly asked question.

What do cockroaches look like?

Cockroaches vary by the species, three of which are the most common in New Jersey and Pennsylvania: the American cockroach, Oriental cockroach, and German cockroach. To most, a cockroach is a cockroach and that’s enough to call an exterminator. But it’s important to be able to spot the differences between the most common species of cockroach in New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania to keep your house pest-free.

Cockroach Infestation

American Cockroach

American cockroaches are one of the largest cockroaches that invade homes and adult American cockroaches are reddish brown or mahogany colored. Sometimes called palmetto bugs or water bugs, American cockroaches are found throughout the United States. Both male and female American cockroaches develop wings when the roaches become adults and they can fly. They are usually found in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, sump pump rooms, and electrical rooms. American cockroaches prefer temperatures between 70°-85°F and do not survive if the temperatures drop below 15°. American roaches will feed on beer, pet food, fermenting fruits and vegetables, as well as human food. Their presence is a concern for public health because they are capable of carrying and spreading various pathogens.

Oriental Cockroach

Adult Oriental cockroaches are 1-1/4 inch long and reddish brown and black in color. They have a distinct shiny, dark body which separates them from other cockroaches. Unlike German and American cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches are not common household invaders. Oriental cockroaches are more likely to be found in sewers and commercial properties such as restaurants, office buildings, and grocery stores. They prefer to eat starchy foods which are readily available in food establishments.

German Cockroach

Adult German cockroaches are typically ½-5/8 inch long and tan to light brown in color. Although they have fully developed wings, they do not fly. German cockroaches are best identified by their small size and two dark parallel lines or "racing stripes" running from the back of the head to the wings. It is usually found in kitchens near dishwashers, stoves, and sinks, and in bathrooms of homes. They feed on a wide variety of foods, including almost anything like soap, glue, and toothpaste.

What should I do if I find cockroaches in my home?

So you’ve found cockroaches in your home. Now what? Your instinct may be to panic or run to the store to buy DIY products. Our recommendation is to avoid both. Your first step is to call Cooper Pest Solutions.

One of the best ways to avoid a cockroach infestation is to prevent one from happening in the first place. Try the following steps on your own to stop a cockroach infestation.

  • Eliminate as much clutter as possible. Do not store paper bags or cardboard.
  • Do not leave open food or dirty dishes out overnight or while you are away during the day.
  • Do not leave open containers of food on counters or cabinets.
  • Keep your trash can and the area around the trash can clean, and remove trash on a regular basis.
  • Keep the counters and floor clean, especially under and behind refrigerators, ovens, sinks, etc.

Why can’t I squash a cockroach?

If you’ve ever encountered a cockroach in your bathroom, it can be a terrifying experience. If you’re brave enough to try to kill one on your own, you’d find it more difficult than anticipated. Somewhat indestructible, cockroaches can survive one week without their head! Adult American cockroaches can live at least two to three months without food, a month without water, and can easily survive outdoor freezing temperatures.

German cockroaches have a very high fertility rate. The female can produce about 5 egg cases during her life time, each containing 30 to 40 eggs. Developmental time depends on temperature, humidity, and availability of a food source. On average, German cockroaches take about 50 to 60 days to reach adulthood once they hatch out of an egg.

Oriental cockroach females (more numerous than males) carry the egg capsule 12 hours to 5 days and deposit them in a sheltered location near or within a food supply at a warm, sheltered spot. Females produce 1 to 18 capsules, each containing up to 16 eggs. Eggs hatch in about 60 days and nymphs develop in about one year. Adult females live 1 to 6 months.


How can Cooper get rid of the cockroaches in my home?

One-Time Cockroach Control Service

If you have cockroaches in your home, Cooper Pest can get rid of them with our One-Time Cockroach Control Service. This service takes place indoors, using baiting strategies to eliminate the roach populations. Other control measures include chemical applications and physical removal of food debris and live cockroaches, used on a case by case basis. Within 30 days, all roach activity will cease.

Home Intensive Service Plan

The Home Intensive Service Plan is designed to provide preventive pest and rodent control for your home, year round. This plan includes cockroach prevention and control. This is our most popular service for homeowners. The service plan includes four preventive services per year. Each service is unique and will be accompanied by a detailed 30-point inspection report with detailed findings as well as providing you with important recommendations for your home. Each year you will receive three exterior maintenance services (March – November) and one interior service (December – February). The winter service will focus on the interior of the structure and is geared towards rodents and other pests that may live within the structure.

Home Traditional Service Plan

The Home Traditional Service Plan is a substantial value for the homeowner that does not want to be bothered by cockroaches, crawling insects, mice, and wasps. The Home Traditional Service Plan provides preventive pest and rodent control for your home, year round. As part of your plan, you will receive four services per year. Each year you will receive three exterior maintenance services (March – November) and one interior service (December – February). There are some exclusions in the Home Traditional Service Plan when compared to the Home Intensive Service Plan.

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