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Roach Races a Smash at Doylestown YMCA Camp

Posted by: Cooper Pest

Roaches running down a race track combined with bug education captured the imagination of the Central Bucks Family YMCA campers on Tuesday and continues on Thursday afternoon.



Contact: Phillip Cooper

Roach Races a Smash at Doylestown YMCA Camp 150 plus children participate

Doylestown, PA (July 22, 2015) - The program, delivered by Cooper Pest Solutions was a highlight of the summer for the campers, counselors and CITs.

Each thirty-minute program was given to three different age groups and consisted of education about honey bees, hornets, termites and carpenter ants followed by the roach races. Bart Jones the Cooper representative stated, “We love giving these educational sessions since we can show our youth why all bugs are good. In fact, they are good most of the time and serve important roles in our ecosystems. It is only in rare occasions that they become bad when they pose a health risk or invade our homes in levels we cannot tolerate.”

The “Good Bug, Bad Bug” education, which lasts fifteen minutes is followed by the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. The roaches range in size from 1/2’ to 3” in length and ½” to 1” wide and are not native to this area. They come from the island of Madagascar,Africa and this group is raised with tender loving care at the Cooper headquarters in Lawrenceville, NJ.

Each camper has the chance to feel the texture of the back of one of the roaches. Hand sanitizer was the order of the day for those campers brave enough to touch the shiny smooth surface. The introduction of the roaches was followed by the actual roach races where four roaches raced down the track to screams, yells and excitement of all in attendance.

Tim Newton, the Nature Specialist for the camp commented, “I was excited for the interactive presentation that not only had kids excited about bugs but also taught them that bugs are our friends and useful for the environment.”
The fun will continue on Thursday, with four more sessions being given in the afternoon, starting at 12:30 and continuing until 3:45p.

Roach Races & Education Thursday July 22
Central Bucks Family YMCA
2500 Lower State Road | Doylestown, PA | 18901

Times: 12:30p-1p 6th & 7th grade | 1:50p-2:15p K & 1st grade | 2:35p-3:05p 2nd & 3rd grade | 3:15p-3:45p 4th & 5th grade

About Cooper Pest Solutions
Cooper Pest Solutions has been a leader in the pest management industry for nearly 60 years. As a leading company for developing new pest treatment technology, Cooper is also the principal authority on bed bugs within the pest control industry. Our philosophy is that everything we do at Cooper is aimed at WOWing our valued clients, and this begins with every service we render, with every discussion we have.

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